So you wanna know more....

My photo
Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)

Wanna Free Photo Session??

If you are a past client of Pitter Patter Photos go visit my facebook fan page to enter to win!

I am starting a new monthly featured photo contest where you may "like' your favorite image from my fan page album. The photo with the most -likes- wins a free session feee with Pitter Patter Photos! You may tell friends and family members to like your images as well.

You can view the album here! Please only vote on ONE image. Voting ends on Friday at noon!