So you wanna know more....

My photo
Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)

In the beginning...

I created- THE BLOG!

So I've never really done this whole blog thing before. I thought It'd be nice to start one up and see if I can stay committed to it. Not that I'm not a committed person, but there are others factors at play here- distractions. I call them K ( the goob ) and J ( the toot), and at times the big one can get in the way too. We will just call him the big "T".

Anyways, my name is Naomi. I'm 27, have 2 boys and have been married for a few years. I love my life. I'm from Austin, Texas and have lived here, well forever.
I lived in San Marcos for a bit, and Rockport, have visited San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and went to high school in Dripping Springs. Sadly, other than those few towns I know nothing else about Texas. I guess I need to get out more.
I love art, animals, nature, being outdoors ( when I'm not having allergy fits, or its not too hot or cold, lol). I have two passions in life, the most recent is Photography. I think it has become an obsession. It makes you look at the whole world differently. I can be driving home from the gas station and need to stop because I see something to photograph. I don't know if that's obsessive or just insane?

The other is my family. Especially my kids. I really want them with me all the time. Even with all the "distractions". They are the love of my life. They make me laugh when I could cry, jump and dance when I am sick, and have the best unconditional love ever.
I love my husband. He does so much for all of us. At the moment we are building a new house in Pflugerville and I think all of the credit goes to him on that one. I think a lot of the credit for my photography goes to him as well. Well him and his mom. He's a big mama's boy, but my kids will probably be the same way so what can you do. I think I get on a him a little too much. He is a great guy though. So if there are ever any complaints here- just ignore them. I'm a little crazy at times and forget that I have the best family and life a girl could ask for.

I'm going to try this out for the moment, so the beginning may be a little boring. I don't have a family pic to post because I recently cleared out my pc! It was way overloaded by pictures! AHHH Maybe I'll get a chance to post one tonite or tomorrow! "Til then, thanks for reading and stay tuned. :D
