So you wanna know more....

My photo
Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)

Winner of the Contest!!

WOW! Everyone worked so hard this week in getting those votes in! My fan page jumped from 300 to 600 fans in just the last week!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated! I noticed all of the referralls and suggestions to friends all week. I could really see those of you pushing to get those votes in especially in teh last few hours. The contest was so close in the end. The winner won with 89 likes but second place almost got it with 88 likes! Missed it by ONE vote!

Here is the winner's photo re-edited!