So you wanna know more....

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Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)

I am an inventor idea crafty maniac person.

Today I had all kinds of creative and ingenious ideas run thru my head. I wish there was some little machine I could connect to my brain to record all of these (so I don't forget them, and have proof that I thought of them first) and start getting them going for me. This is pretty big for me, having more than one creative idea during the day that isn't related to getting pencil off the kitchen wall or how to keep jelly out of my son's hair, or any other fun mommy duty is a big accomplishment.

The first ideas had to do with One of my favorite sites that I am quickly becoming addicted to! It's like myspace for photographers or picture whores. I decided to start a group for photographers in Austin that are also parents. The idea is basically like a playgroup, where the kids can get together and parents can talk and learn about digital photography, our cameras, and life. Well I did it! Mission accomplished! I already have 8 members and a moderator that is helping with the group! WOOHOO- Go me!

2nd idea in the life of Naomi was to start knitting or crocheting. Whichever looked easier or could produce a product that I liked better. Well that idea lasted about 10 minutes! When I looked up tutorials online then decided I had WAY to much going on to try to make time to start knitting and/or crocheting. I still want to do it, but it will probably come at a later date.

My 3rd idea for the day was one I have actually had for a while. A few friends know about my pacifier brand idea, and I'm not spilling the beans just yet. But I decided today that I need to actually go out and make the darn things and patent my idea. I spoke with the big "T" about it and he admitted that he did think it was very clever, Hearing that is good for me because that means it may actually become reality! Now all I need to do is find some place where I can make my own custom pacifiers with my own idea on the front, without it costing a fortune so I can sell them to customers for less than $20 per pas-cee.

The 4th thought for the day was to make an online store thru or or wherever to sell my little crafts and inventions. I think once I get my new website up and running I could have a link to my little store and sell all of my kid friendly items. Like the pacifiers, the crocheted hats, knitted scarves and kid sized ponchos, my custom tutus, and more crafty things that I could totally pull off. I may actually do this, and I'm very excited at the thought. This way I will really have a good business that I started and pull off all by myself! My photography and my crafts. HEEHEE- Whaddya think?

WOW! So that's 4 whole ideas that were just about me and things that I want to do in the future! I haven't had a day like this in a while. I think it's because I actaully slept in a little today and woke up without crawling out of bed and in a good mood. I'm excited. I wonder if I'll actually be able to get some of these started. I'll probably have to wait until after the move. I'll post more on the house tomorrow. Something I should let all of you in on. Good Nite! Im out.


Miranda said...

Dude, I'll help you with any of your adventures. :) Here's a geeky High 5 to being crafty. 5!

Three Little Monkey's said...

I wish you would learn the chrocet! I want to get some neat little props for my newborn shoots.

I am glad that you are having a crafty w/end!
I need some of your crafty mojo..I am having a slump..Hence the no blog postings in a couple days :(

Pitter Patter Photographer said...

YAY! I saw your knitting blog and was like- "hey! What a copy cat!"
Maybe you could help with that and we could have a little online store- :D

Unknown said...

You are so funny! You should totally set up an etsy store! I need to do that too. We can go on the adventure together!

Pitter Patter Photographer said...

Hi Terrence! IDK who you are! LOL
It tells me your blog is private?

The Usurped Princess said...

Get a book called "Stitch 'N Bitch". You'll learn to knit in an hour and the patterns are trendy (cool trendy, not overdone trendy). Email me a piture of your tutus. I might just need to buy one for Audrey! Oh, and if your pacifier idea is one that magically finds it's way back after falling out I will pay any price!