So you wanna know more....

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Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)


Today the blog is kinda random. Just life and the kids, which is kinda the whole point so I guess I'm right on track!

TOOT is feeling much better today! He was miserable all weekend. I'm surprised his voice didn't go out with all the screaming and whining. WHEW! What a weekend. Finally he slept all nite, well he woke up once, but that's basically all nite for him. That means that I got sleep too. Which means today I am in a good mood. :DNot so sickly

I also bought some new meds for my crazy unpredictable allergies. Every year it seems that my allergies have gotten worse or I come down with something I've never had. My friend told me "well you are getting older, it happens" WTH! OLDER?? I'm only 27, I thought that happened when you were getting older like, senile old. Like 80 or something. Whatever, it sucks. In the last week alone I bought Claritin, Zyrtec, a netti pot, some cold and allergy mixture crap, and eye drops. Have they worked? NO! So I went and got Sudafed and Afrin today! WOOHOO I can breathe. It even helped my itchy eyes, which I was about to gauge out from scratching so much. I hope this will last thru the weekend. it seems all the new meds work for a day then slack off on the job. Well they're all fired. So Sudafed you better not be jerking me around. Keep the sniffles away- that's all I ask. :)

I had fun with the kids taking pictures today too. I get inspired by so many of my Flickr contacts. They all have so many great ideas. I wish I was that clever all the time. I had this old backdrop that I used for my BFFs maternity shots and got it out to play with the kids. It only lasted about 15 minutes but I got a few good shots. The one of Toot above and these below. Just ignore the weird cropping?! The blog is doing that so I will have to check it out later, or resize the pics. annoying.

Hi- I am a goober, but at least I am a cute goober

Looking into the lens

Kaedon chillin, and showing off his rad dance skillz
Rock the Hawk


Three Little Monkey's said...

Hang in there cedar season is over in 6wks!! lol...
Cute pictures as always :)

Jen said...

I love the backgrounds!! I resize my flickr uploads by clicking on them after I paste here and grabbing and dragging the corner to make them slightly smaller. PIA!

Hope you guys all get to feeling better!