So you wanna know more....

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Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)


You wait nine long months and finally the day comes to deliver your perfectly perfect little bundle of joy! These are the moments that should really be captured on film. Whether its thru video or photography these are the moments to document. As a mother of two myself I can tell you just how important this is. You are so overwhelmed with everything going on in the hospital that you barely get to 'experience' much other than nurses in and out, monitoring, contractions and at times feeling very powerless.

With my first son I went into my doctors office at 9am thinking my water had broken only to find out it was not amniotic fluid and I was dilated at 3. She did tell me that I should go walk and I would have the baby by the evening. Well after walking all day at the mall and feeling no contractions or progress I decided to go into the hospital at 11pm just in case there were any surprises in the evening. After we arrived everything else is a mix matched blur. I finally delivered my son at 2pm the next day! If it weren't for the video we have of everything that day I would have missed a lot. My second was delivered via C- section so we have even less to document the day but I'm so glad we have everything that we do. After having my first son I realized I wanted to capture everything could with my kids. I had maternity photos done of my second child, I took his newborn photos, and since then I cannot put my camera down.

I had the opportunity to photograph a past client, now a very dear friend's birth of her second child recently. I was so honored to be there for them. I arrived just in time and shed a teeny tear when baby arrived. My emotions were not just for the arrival of their new baby, but the love shown so strongly between the new mommy and daddy. I love capturing these moments. You can see the love in every photo. Here is a small peek into their very special moment. Enjoy =)


Miranda said...

Incredibly sweet!!!!