So you wanna know more....

My photo
Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)

Baby {E}

Is here! Little Man came right on time and was welcomed by mommy, daddy and his excited big sister- {A}! I was so honored to be a part of the birth and he made my job so easy at the newborn session.  He slept SO easily and we got a ton of shots! Here are just a few from his session.


Miranda said...

OMG I love the pic of A and E on the couch!!!!!!!! Beyond cute