So you wanna know more....

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Pflugerville, Texas, United States
HI All- I am a mom of two boys and spend any free time I get on photography! I love art of all kinds and I'm lucky enough to run my own business fulfilling my passion with photography. I love meeting new families, and doing multiple sessions with the kiddos and almost watching them grow up! I live in Pflugerville, TX and I can't wait for some new neighbors. I love people and kids and I love my family, life and job :)

My ham-balls!

I LOVE that my kids love to get their picture taken. I say that hoping not to jinx it :) I also say that knowing that they love it when I do it. I'm not so sure how well they would do with someone else.

My youngest is such a ham. Every time I say- hey you guys wanna go take some pictures? He responds- " YEEEEAAAAHHH!!! " He friggin loves it! and so do I. It's awesome. not only do I get to update my photos often but I also get to try out new things with them all the time. I hope it lasts, he is three years old now and I'm really surprised he does so well and doesn't take off running.

My older one is another story. It sucks because he has the greatest face for photos. I love his golden hair, crystal blue eyes, speckly freckles and porcelain skin. When he cooperates he photographs so well. I think he is just getting older and past the point where it's not so easy to entertain him. I can get a few photos every once in a while, but for the most part its like pulling teeth.

Anyways I thought I'd update you guys with a few photos of Toot and Goob! Enjoy :) Oh and YES- I did color their hair- it's a long story but they made me do it and 'snip-it's' is partly to blame.